Friday, February 10, 2006

Thailand: Deep Thoughts

Well, I thought I would write up a little recap after visiting each country, to include any thoughts or memories I may have omitted from my regular postings.

Thai artwork. Posted by Picasa

After thirty days in Thailand, I must say that I understand what the hype is all about. It is not called the "Land of Smiles" for nothing, as the Thais are extremely laid back and friendly people. It is a gorgeous place, filled with beautiful locals, beautiful tourists, and beautiful sights, man-made and natural.

Cute kids! Posted by Picasa

As most people know from either visiting Thailand or chowing at their neighborhood Thai eatery, the food here is to die for...that is, as long as the chefs do not "dumb it down" for us farang. The spicier, the better...that's my mantra. My favorite breakfast was the Meusli with fruit and yogurt, the best of which I found on Tonsai Beach. As for Thai food, I could not get enough of Tom Yam Soup, green curry, panang curry, coconut curry, pineapple fried rice, and the ever-so-ubiquitous Phad Thai.

That's me! Posted by Picasa

As for snacks, there was nothing better than the little man who walked around with baskets brimming with bamboo shoots stuffed with sticky rice. For those with a sweet tooth, Thai pancakes are the obsession, with vendors that straddle every corner with their griddles and toppings that included chocolate, bananas, cashewnuts, honey, and other various yummies.

My tuk-tuk driving boyfriend! Posted by Picasa

I do not think I will miss the overload of hawkers trying to sell their wares on the beach. From water and beer to sarongs, beach mats to massages (I do regret not getting one of those, however), a day at the beach could be a hassle with repititious "No thank you"s and "Maybe later"s.

The people I met in this country are unforgettable...from my first climbing buddy Andrew, to my wacky roomie for a week Kalu, to my charming friends Robbie and Emma (who I naively traded my "Memoirs of a Geisha" for quite possibly the worst book in history), to the rambunctious American boys Mike, Max, and Evan, to my hill tribe mates Anna, Andreas, and Rasmus (aka Gogsi)...the list goes on and on. These people really helped to make my month in Thailand even more unforgettable.

Not too comfy here... Posted by Picasa

Other random thoughts: getting used to the drivers on the left side of the road was quite a difficult task, as I haphazardly crossed the road and barely avoided death on a daily basis. Tourist agencies on every corner. Ugly, nerdy, and often old white men with young Thai chicks on the backs of motorbikes. Whiskey buckets full of the potent SangSom and Red Bull. Bars that sell pot over the counter. And what is up with the water bottles? First of all, one must put trust in the water that is treated by UV rays...does that mean it sits in the sun for a day before it is bottled? And the lids...if you get a faulty one, the lid NEVER fits back on...unless you have loads of patience and an hour to work out the kinks...a perfect bus ride activity.

Oh the colors! Posted by Picasa truly is the "Land of Smiles." I will definitely come back again and again to this thrilling country.


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