Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Thailand: Muay Thai!!!

I finally got my chance to see some Muay Thai boxing! After returning from the hill tribe trek, I, along with Anna, an Australian girl I met, checked back into Whisky Guesthouse. After wonderful, cold showers, we met two Danish fellows that were also on the trek for a lovely dinner by the river in Chiang Mai. After dinner we headed to the evening's series of fights at the Thapae Boxing Stadium.

Muy Thai action! Posted by Picasa

We seats right on the floor next to the rink, and within minutes of arriving, the first of about eight fights began. The first fight involved two boys who could not have been a day over twelve years old. The fights were quite an experience, as loud snake-charmer music blared through speakers while the fighters danced around the rink in a trancelike state. Thai family members emitted shouts of encouragement while we farang gaped in amazement. With each fight came better fights...we even witnessed a young man get the big TKO. It was definitely an enjoyable time, and I am thinking about taking some lessons next time I am in Thailand!

Kickin' Arse! Posted by Picasa

After the Muay Thai match, Anna, Gogsi, Andreas, and I wandered into a club for some dancing. After this place closed its doors (late-night establishments seem to close quite early around here!), we found ourselves in a dingy place full of tables and a small area for dancing. Finally, when Anna and I had had enough, we bid the boys farewell, finally falling into bed around 5:30 am!


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