Monday, January 09, 2006

Last Day in the USA

Well, what a whirlwind these past two months have been! After spending a few days unpacking and getting used to the thirteen-hour time difference (as well as the intense culture shock that came as a result of southern accents, big trucks, and even bigger hair), I began temporarily working as a personal trainer at the YMCA in Valdosta, Georgia. I was wracking up overtime every week, and my hours were insane: 4:30 am to 12:00 noon Monday-Friday, with the addition of weekends. I was busy, but making some extra spending money and keeping myself from complete boredom.

I finished working on December 22nd and, along with my parents, welcomed my brother and sister and her husband home for was my first one home with family in four years! It felt wonderful to be home, but by that point I was chomping at the bit to get back to traveling!

I spent a few post-Christmas days with my brother in Atlanta before flying out to Los Angeles on December 28th...and this is where I've been for the last couple weeks. I've been busy everyday trying to clean out my storage room and sell most of my things...I've already donated about fifteen large boxes to Salvation Army! I am now down to about three boxes that hold my only treasures in the world...books, a lamp, silverware, and of course, a vintage fondue pot! Of course, my time here has not only consisted of work...I have managed to see many great old friends while I have been in town, and it hardly seems like over a year has gone by!

So as I write this I have less than twenty-four hours before I board my plane to Thailand. I'll be connecting in Taipei, Taiwan tomorrow evening before finally arriving in Bangkok at 1:00 am Thursday morning. Total travel time: 21 HOURS!!! Yee-haw.



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